Full professor of Faculty of Mathematics | |
Chair for Real and Functional Analysis | |
Teaching: Mathematical Analysis (Monday 8-10, Wednesday 8-10) |
Consultations: Monday from 10, room 710 | |
E-mail: [email protected] | |
Selected publications | |
Books, textbooks | |
Fields of scientific interest | Srpski |
Dr Zoran Kadelburg, born in 1950, graduated
at the Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade 1973, M.A. 1976 (same
Faculty) with "Non-locally convex linear topological spaces". Ph. D. 1980
(same Faculty) with "Asymptotics of the spectral function
of differential operators".
He is employed at the Faculty of Mathematics since 1975,
and was on specialization at the Moscow State University (MGU) 1978/79.
He is a member of the Mathematical Society of Serbia
(president of the Society 1991-1995) and American
Mathematical Society.
He is also editor of the journal "Matematicki Vesnik"
and delegate of the National Committee for Mathematics of Yugoslavia in
the International Mathematical Union (IMU).
Fields of scientific interest:
- Topological vector spaces (AMS classification 46Axx);
- Spectral theory of differential operators (AMS classification34Lxx).
1.Matematicka analiza I (with D. Adnadjevic), 4-th ed.,
"Nauka", Beograd 1995.
2.Matematicka analiza II (with D. Adnadjevic), 2-nd ed.,
"Nauka", Beograd 1994.
3.Subspaces and quotients of topological and ordered
vector spaces (with S. Radenovic), Institute of Mathematics,
Novi Sad 1997.
4.Several high-school textbooks.
Selected publications:
1. Z. Kadelburg: Ob asimptotike "spektral'nyh funkcij"
dvuh nesamosopryazhennyh kraevyh zadach, Mat. Zametki
30, 5 (1981), 659-667 [Engl. transl. in Math. Notes
30, 5-6 (1982), 827-831].
2. Z. Kadelburg: Ob asimptotike spektral'noj funkcii
dlya obyknovennyh differencial'nyh operatorov zadannyh
dvuchlenoj operaciej na otrezke, Differenc. uravneniya,
18, 9 (1982), 1475-1480
[Engl. transl. in Differ. Equations 18 (1983), 1033-1037].
3. Z. Kadelburg: O dvukratnom razlozhenii v ryad po sobstvennym
funkciyam zadachi Orra-Zommerfel'da, Differenc. uravneniya
21, 6, (1985), 264-268.
4. Z. Kadelburg, M. Martinovich: Spektral'naya funkciya
odnogo funkcional'no-differencial'nogo operatora vtorogo
poryadka, Differenc. uravneniya, 25, 11 (1989), 1882-1888
[Engl. transl. in Differ. Equations 25, 11 (1989), 1317-1322].
5. Z. Kadelburg, S. Radenovic: Three-space-problem for
some classes of linear topological spaces, Comment.
Math. Univ. Carolinae 37, 3 (1996), 507-514.
6. Z. Kadelburg, S. Radenovic: Subspaces and Quotients
of Topological and Ordered Vector Spaces, pp. 122,
Institute of Mathematics, University of Novi Sad,
7. S. Radenovic, Z. Kadelburg: Some properties of short
exact sequences of locally convex Riesz spaces, Comment.
Math. Univ. Carolinae 39, 1 (1998), 81-89.
8. S. Radenovic, Z. Kadelburg: On A. Grothendieck's problems
concerning (F) and (DF)-spaces, to appear in Scientiae
Math. 1, 1998.